Thats right, I have taken the plunge (or whatever the opposite is!) and I am now a fully insured and registered drone operator! Here is to becoming a Nottingham Drone Photographer!
Purchasing a drone has been in the back of my mind for a while but never given any serious thought until one of my regular clients asked me about it, what they wanted to do sounds amazing and challenging (more news about this in the coming months) so and investment was made.
I will admit, I went into this a little blind not really knowing where to start, what to buy and what was involved. Thanks to Google, the CAA and a lot of research decisions were made, items purchased and licenses obtain, now ready for flight!
If you are looking for a drone operator, please do make sure they have all of the relevant paperwork in place.
What nobody tells you, is how scary it is to send up your new, and not so cheap, purchase up into the air, especially when you can send these things up to 400ft, thats a long way!
After a lot of practice, I was ready for my first proper commercial flights and I haven't looked back, there are more flights planned, some not quite what you would expect.
I will keep you all up to date with my journey and if you think some drone video or still might be what you are looking for please do get in touch.
